Saturday, September 5, 2009

A New Life in Puebla

I am adjusting slowly to life in Puebla. I have to be careful not to ramble on because there is so much to talk about. Everyday I go to bed with a head full of new information. It is exciting. The language has not come to me yet, but I study everday. I also speak daily with Margarita, my host mom. I attended church for the first time last week. I felt very welcome and was thankful for my knowledge of the scriptures. It helped me to understand the lessons knowing the stories already.

Some classmates and I went took a 15 minute taxi ride to the nearby town of Cholula. We all 5 rode in a small taxi, like a Nissan Sentra plus the driver for 20 pesos each or about $1.50 US! The purpose of the visit was to see Tontanzincla, a church built by the idigenous people for the Spanish. Our professor said the artwork in this church clearly shows the shock between the two cultures. It was well worth the visit.

A few of us stayed in Cholua a bit longer to stroll in the market. It is much smaller than Puebla, with a more relaxed feel. Another tidbit from our professor is that this small town has the highest number of churches per capita in Mexico. Cholula is also home to at least one unexcavated ancient pyrimad as well as other ancient ruins. The road out of town passes this pyrimad and it is so overgrown it looks like a green hillside. It stands out because of the impressive chuch built on top of it (another culture clash?!?).

A trip to the market. This purse cost me just a little over $4 US after much bargaining. Here is the craftsman who created it.

Sorry for not rotating the is my laundry hanging to dry on the terrace of the house. I liked the image with the flag of Mexico displayed on a neighboring rooftop.

I am spoiled with indoor laundry!! Actually my host mom does the laundry as part of my rent. However when I found out she suffers from pain in both of her wrists due to car accident several years ago, I asked her to show me how to use the laundry facililties. Now when she is away on Saturday afternoons I can do a bit of laundry on my own. I am deeply grateful for Margarita. She it truley a host MOM. She spends so much time teaching me and being patient with me as struggle with the language. I hope to someday have enough words to express my gratitude to her.

Just a few things to remind me of home.

My bedroom. Very simple, tile floor, white walls, a TV and a desk to study at. My house is just about 10 minutes walking distance from the university. It is a great location. Also close to shopping, bus routes, and can you believe it...Costco!

The is the zocalo or the center of downtown in Puebla. It is becoming quite colorful in preparations for the Independence Day celebration on September 16th.
I will publish pictures of Margarita´s fanatistic Poblano cooking soon!


  1. Ahhh!!! I'm so jealous of all the fun, cool stuff you're experiencing. I want to come visit!

  2. Looks beautiful and interesting too. So happy to hear you are doing well. Today is your birthday and am thinking of you alot. I miss you but am so excited that you have this opportunity. Hope you find something special to do on your birthday. I am proud of you as always. Have a happy, happy birthday!!! Love you!!!!

  3. Looks like you're having a good time! I will miss you very much though. :[

  4. Meredith,

    It looks like you are having a great time, it is beautiful. What is your email so I can invite you to view my blog?
